Hey folks, just a quick website update that we have started the process to roll out digital downloads via our website.  These will be .pdf formatted files you will be able to download to your computer or any device.

You can swing on over to the Digital Downloads portion of our website, select the book you are interested in, and go through PayPal to complete the transaction.  This will generate an automated email with a secure, one time only download link of the file.

We certainly enjoy and appreciate everyone seeking our projects out on Comixology and other applications, we never want undercut those applications and services, so you will always see the prices the same or above.  However, the cool thing is that by offering this ourselves, we do not have to split the $ with Apple and other middle men and only get a % of what you pay. All the $ goes directly to us and we roll it over into new books asap. Yes, we are a small group…but everyone starts from the beginning.  Some products will be exclusive to our website, such as our recently completed and shipped Kickstarter project, Sex and Violence: Vol. 1

In the coming weeks and months, we will be rolling out more versions of our projects onto the site.  We hope you stay updated and keep checking back on the site as those are made available.  Once again, we cannot thank you for your support for each and every one of our projects!!