by paperfilms | Feb 6, 2014 | News
In some exciting news, the movie rights to Painkiller Jane were recently optioned by Solipsist Films. There will be more news about this in the future but this is exciting news for the PaperFilms team. Bleeding Cool has a bit on the news:

In addition to the great Painkiller Jane news, be sure to follow the full crew on Twitter: @PaperFilms1 account. We have some exciting news that will be rolling out both here and on the Twitter and Facebook account in the upcoming week. An unique effort for our next project is well under way and we’d love to see you a part of it.
And as always, new items are always being added to the Store site, so make sure you head over and check it out:
Thanks everyone!
by paperfilms | Jan 23, 2014 | News
We are super thrilled to see Harley Quinn #2 roll out from the press yesterday and for the most part, the reviews have been positive. The book was always meant to be a fun effort and a chance to show the character some long, lost justice. We’re working extremely hard to show a “fun” Harley. You win some, you lose some, we’re just hoping people try.

Here is a short list of reviews from recent days:
In other news, we’re prepping for shipping out all of the Forager print copies to all of the backers. It is a long process and we’re extremely pleased with the final print version of the book and the limited edition prints. We appreciate everyone’s patience on getting these out. Some unfortunately hiccups caused some delays. Ones we’re fully responsible for and take ownership of.

And we have recently added the new Painkiller Jane: Price of Freedom series up on both Kindle and on our Store site for you to purchase digitally. We hope you give them a try.
Again, we appreciate everyone’s support on each and every project we do!
by paperfilms | Jan 9, 2014 | News
The good news everyone is that we are starting the longer process of getting the Forager Kickstarter rewards sent out. It went out longer than we had expected for delivery of the project (something which we have strive hard to never do) but we are working our way to delivering each backer with their reward tier.

The first digital deliveries went out this week and the print copies are unfortunately stuck in Chicago due to the unheard of weather they recently experienced. But rest assured for all you print backers of Forager, we have already prepped most of the packages and once we get the books/prints, we’ll be working overtime to fulfill all you wonderful backers.
Miss out on Forager? Make sure to keep an eye out for it right here on our website or via Amazon Kindle, etc. down the road. And any backers who’ve read your digital copy, please spread the love on any social media platforms!
In addition to Forager, the team has been working hard at Batwing, All-Star Western and Painkiller Jane. Make sure to pick up those comics at your local comic store!
If you’re looking for something different to try, Justin Gray has published his own short novel on the Kindle store for a mere $0.99 entitled: The Relic Raiders. You can find more information about it at:

And make sure to check out our store for recently added items of the new Painkiller Jane: Price of Freedom series as well as some of our older titles like Monolith, Painkiller Jane, The Pro and more!
by paperfilms | Dec 29, 2013 | News
Hey everyone:
As the year rolls down to an end, we want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year’s Day. We continue to praise you all for your kindness and support for every project that we touch. Our resolution is simple: continue to work hard to deliver our best effort to make you laugh, enjoy our products and entertain you as much as possible. If we do that, we’ll always be rewarded.

As a quick plug, make sure to check out All-Star Western #26, out on 12/31/2013 this upcoming week. We’re having a blast with Jonah Hex as always. You can find a preview here:
Thanks again everyone!
by paperfilms | Dec 19, 2013 | News
Wow. That’s really all we can say. Well, that’s not true. What we can say is “Thank You!!!” Each and everyone of you that were so kind enough to seek out and purchase Harley Quinn #1 this week, we fully appreciate your actions.
We know that it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea with this series but Amanda and Jimmy are trying to deliver a comic that is both fun and full of adventure. DC has given the team the opportunity to take a character that been used in multiple directions in the past and hopefully allow them to put their own spin and take on Harley.

Below are just a small amount of reviews that have come out. We hope you take the time to read some of the reviews because of the hard work the writers poured into the thoughtful reviews. And don’t take their word for it if you haven’t snagged a copy, head to your local comic retailer and snag a copy for yourself!!!
We couldn’t have asked for a better launch to a title and we’ll continue to pour all our hard work into delivering a title you’ll hopefully be proud of!!!
And just a reminder we still have our website sale ongoing. From now till the end of the year (12/31/2013), enter: HOLIDAY at the checkout and receive 10% off all our products (print and digital). Remember, we’re the only ones that have printed copies of all our Kickstarter projects.