Harley Quinn|Painkiller Jane|Con Schedule|Holidays

Hey there faithful crew!

We have been caught up in the madness of holiday travels filled with visits, conventions, signings and business.  There is lots of happenings coming up for all of the PaperFilms team and we have some exciting news coming in the new year for several of our properties.  In addition, we’ll be launching some different projects with some approaches that we hope will be beneficial for everyone involved.

Harley Quinn madness:


We’re thrilled with the love and support each and everyone has been giving for the new Harley Quinn series.  Harley Quinn #0 was in the top 3 books for the month of November!!!  With sales well over 150,000 copies, this was a pure fun adventure Amanda and Jimmy were able to cook up a wild story and throw together with a hit list of talent.  From Bruce Timm, Becky Cloonan, Dan Panosian, Walt Simonson, Darwyn Cooke, Dave Johnson and so many more!  Based on the reviews and comments, this was a true winner for all and we can’t thank everyone enough.

This leads us into Harley Quinn #1 launching this week.  Below is a sneak peak at some interior pages from regular series artist Chad Hardin.  We hope you check the book out and share in the madness of Harley Quinn.



Painkiller Jane:

Painkiller Jane #1 and #2 have both been released from Marvel’s Icon imprint and have been getting some wonderful reviews.  If you haven’t snagged a copy, try your local comic store or head on over to Comixology and download a digital copy!


Additionally, if you are getting the book, please share with friends and let your local retailer that you want to get issue #4 of the series.  With another drop dead, amazing cover by Amanda (with coloring by the ultra-cool Dave Johnson)!


2014 Con Schedule:

While it is early, we want to give everyone a heads up on both Jimmy and Amanda’s preliminary convention schedule for 2014.  We’re sure some additional visits will be planned, however, here is what we know as of today:


  • Megacon 21-23
  • Emerald City: 28-30


  • Dallas Con:  16-18


  • Eternal Con 14-15


  • Boston Con 8-10

Holiday shopping and more:

Even though we just finished up a sale not too long ago, the least we can do is continue the sale for everyone who is still gracious enough to support the entire crew in our publishing adventures.  From now till the end of the year (12/31/2013), enter: HOLIDAY at the checkout and receive 10% off all our products (print and digital).  Remember, we’re the only ones that have printed copies of all our Kickstarter projects.  Other items are signed and available to those we can’t get to conventions but we still recognize your support!

Whew, we hope that keeps everyone up to date with where we have been and what is going on.  We love each one of our crazy and mad backers!!

Who needs Black Friday? Long Beach wrap up and coupon sale!

Well folks, we just wrapped up a great west coast trip to do an incredible Harley Quinn signing at Phat Collectibles in Anaheim, CA.  We got to met some incredible fans and sign lots of Harley Quinn #0 and Painkiller Jane #1 copies.  Thanks to everyone that came out.


Later on Jimmy and Amanda were able to clown around in the LA area and meet up with several of our west coast friends that we have a hard time seeing.  Thankfully J&A were able to participate in the west coast Drink and Draw group, headed up by our faithful cohorts Dave Johnson and Dan Panosian.  If you’re not buying everything these two touch, you’re missing out on some great stuff.  Even better when Amanda is able to mock Dave with a drawing of him as a dog.  🙂



So with a little time, Jimmy and Amanda were able to schedule some work visits in LA prior to heading to the wonderful Long Beach Comic Con.  This is a convention they never want to miss because of the fans and how wonderful the convention is run.  Here was just one of the many, many fun things to come out of the convention.  A nice little sketch cover that Amanda did where Dan P. decided he would try to outdo Amanda.


Now that we’re back into the swing of work and headed into the Thanksgiving holiday, everyone at the PaperFilms crew wants to wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels if you are on the go.  We have so much to be thankful for ourselves but as a team, your loyalty, support and friendship everywhere we go is always up there.

As a slight way to give back, instead of the hustle of the crowds at the stores on Black Friday, from today till the following Saturday (expires Dec. 7, 2013), we’re offering 10% off on all our store items.  Simply enter: harley in the checkout coupon and receive your discount (in honor of the great launch of Harley Quinn #0).  This is just a small token from us to you.  Plus, you can avoid having to wait in line and you can even shop in your underwear (a common shopping outfit of Jimmy).

Thanks again everyone!

Painkiller Jane|Batwing reviews from around the web

The entire PaperFilms crew is always humbled when we have a book come out and the reviews from the web are not only good but well thought out and respectful of the time and effort we’ve thrown into the projects.  Below is a list of reviews for both Painkiller Jane: The Price of Freedom #1 and Batwing #25 from a handful of websites.  For everyone that spends time doing these reviews and supporting our projects, we can’t thank you enough!

PKJ_IconPainkiller Jane:

WhatCulture says Painkiller Jane #1 is “Well worth a look, guys, this one is a hit all the way.” – http://whatculture.com/comics/4-awesome-comics-must-read-week-6-november.php/5

Adventures In Poor Taste! gives Painkiller Jane #1 an 8 out of 10 – http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/2013/11/06/is-it-good-painkiller-jane-1-review/


IGN calls Batwing #25 great and gives it an 8 out of 10:  http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/11/07/batwing-25-review?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ign%2Fall+%28IGN+All%29

ComicVine praises Batwing #25 with a 4 out of 5 stars!  http://www.comicvine.com/reviews/batwing-25/1900-2397/

Analog Addiction made our day with an incredible 8.9 of 10 rating on Batwing #25 in this well thought out review:  http://analogaddiction.org/2013/11/07/batwing-25-review/

Painkiller Jane digital downloads expanded

In honor of Painkiller Jane #1 being released from the Marvel Icon imprint today (you do remember and are getting it, right?), we’ve put up on our store the additional two volumes of Painkiller Jane titles that were published under the Dynamite Entertainment umbrella.

These classic stories were told by Jimmy Palmiotti and Joe Quesada with great art by Lee Moder.  All wrapped under the sweet covers by Amanda Conner!

So swing by the SHOP and try the digital versions out!

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