by paperfilms | Jul 15, 2013 | News
So, before the bombardment of news out of SDCC, there is some good news for true PaperFilms fans: Painkiller Jane has found a new home.

We are happy to announce that Jimmy has taken Painkiller Jane to Marvel Comics under the Icon imprint. It is important to note, Marvel is just hosting the comic, she is still first and foremost Jimmy and Joe’s creation and ownership. The first mini-series is scheduled for November this year with art by Juan Santacruz on the main story with Sam Lofti doing backup stories in the book. Amanda Conner is on covers. We were also able to snag Dave Johnson to design a snappy new logo for Jane.
You can read more about the announcement at CBR:
In other news, Jimmy and Justin have taken on a very exciting new project in co-operation with Amazon, under their exclusive Jet City Comics imprint. This will be a Kindle only distribution to start with. Justin and Jimmy will be adapting the novel series Wool.
More info about this project can be found at:
They have teamed up with Sex & Violence: Vol. 1 artist, Jimmy Broxton for this tale. This is an adaptation of Hugh Howey’s bestselling dystopian novel. The team is thrilled for this project.
Stay tuned to the site for more announcements coming out of SDCC. We have some others ones in the works!
by paperfilms | Jun 21, 2013 | News
We’re heading into the summer season with a bang here at PaperFilms. With the con season kicking into high gear and multiple projects coming out, we’re certainly staying busy. Few items of note that might be of interest to everyone.
First, the WEAPON OF GOD Kickstarter was fully funded with several reward tiers unlocked for upgrades on the event. We are looking at mid to end of August to get this out to everyone who supported it. Like some of our other Kickstarter projects, the digital versions will be available right here on our website shortly after all books have been printed and sent out to the backers. So if you missed out supporting the project, please make sure to keep an eye on our site for the new listings.
Out the week of 6/26/2013 from DC Comics is the Before Watchmen: Minutemen/Silk Spectre HC collection, containing a co-written and drawn by Amanda Conner for her marvelous Silk Spectre mini-series. Amanda poured her heart and soul in this project so the collection turned out great. It was included with the amazing Darwyn Cooke Minutemen series so this is one heck of a package. Keep an eye out for it and snag it if you can.
The San Diego Comic Con is upcoming, and while both Jimmy and Amanda will be in attendance, they will be doing some various booth signings and panels, but if you want to enjoy their company or see some of their products, they will be at attendance at the Trickster event. You can find out more about Trickster at:
Finally, as we continue to move forward with all of our projects, we are trying to offer them in as many digital formats as possible. So not only are we attempting to make those projects available from our own site (where the funds go directly to the creators and help fund more new projects):
we are also working with Amazon to make our comics available there as well. If you own a Kindle reading device and would like that option, you can find some of our projects on the Kindle store. We’re beginning this process so keep searching on the store and you might see more projects appear.
So, lots going on with the crew right now and we continue to appreciate your support and dedication to our projects!
by paperfilms | May 23, 2013 | News
Lots of news and reviews around the web for us so we’re glad you stopped by and hopefully we’ll do a good job about rounding up some of the news and reviews in one spot for you.
First, our one shot called The Deep Sea came out yesterday from Dark Horse Comics. It was a fun serial that we were able to do within Dark Horse Presents but we had the option to collected it in one book. Below are some of the reviews of the book. In the end, we are happy to be able to tell a fun, off beat story.
Also out yesterday was All-Star Western #20, in which we continue the adventures of Jonah Hex with his new sheriff helper, Booster Gold. This has been a fun arc to write and one we know snuck up on people so we hope that is a good thing. We have been having a blast using Booster into the storyline and hopefully people enjoy seeing him back in the mix.
Finally, our WEAPON OF GOD Kickstarter is still going strong with the halfway point now here. With your support, we have already eclipsed our goal and continue to drive more towards new stretch goals for the project. We can’t tell you how happy that makes us and if you haven’t yet supported, there is still time to jump on board.
Lastly, just another quick reminder and plug that we are continue to roll out new digital downloads as we can get them on our website. Anyone who has purchased items, we can’t thank you enough. For those of you who haven’t, we hope you consider this option. The books come directly from us and the funds go directly to our creators. This helps us work on books like WEAPON OF GOD or Sex & Violence: Vol. 1. So take some time and give us a try, you might be able to find a book you hadn’t tried before.
Have a wonderful week folks and really, thanks for all your support!
by paperfilms | May 15, 2013 | News
Whew…what a busy week we’ve got going.
First up, Jimmy and Amanda will be heading to the great state of TX for the Dallas Comic Con on May 17th to 19th. Both Jimmy and Amanda will be on hand to sign your stuff, have limited items for purchase and most importantly, thank you for all your support! Jimmy will also be participating in a Painkiller Jane panel with the wonderful Kristanna Loken.

Next, our newest Kickstarter, WEAPON OF GOD, is still available for support. Even though we have hit our target number, we are still pushing forward and offering additional stretch rewards for anyone who is contributing. So if you haven’t yet joined in the party, make sure you get in. If you’ve done it in the past, you know that we take extra pride in giving our supporters the best we can on every product.
Finally, we’ve added some additional titles in our Digital Downloads section of our website for purchase. You can now get the first four issues of Creator Owned Heroes directly from us. That is the first story arc for both American Muscle and Triggergirl 6. Again, the support has been great and the money goes directly to the creators and towards new projects, like WEAPON OF GOD.
We can’t thank you enough for your continued support. You all rock!
by paperfilms | May 8, 2013 | News
Hey folks:
Great news, we have launched our newest Kickstarter project: WEAPON OF GOD. This is a 50 page, Adult Graphic Novel structured as a Print On Demand, available now only via Kickstarter pledges.
This is where you can not only pledge to support, you can also help us by spreading the word for the project around the internet. If you can link this project in any place like Facebook, Twitter, blogs…anywhere you can think to post, we’ll love you for it.
These last Kickstarter projects have let us take some chances, tell some different stories, find some new audiences, and offer some unique rewards during these campaigns. Check it out, some of the reward structures are limited edition prints, scripts, original art by both Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner. Most of you know that Amanda has limited her output for sketches at conventions and shows. This is a great alternative to get some art as well as support the project.
We hope you are able to support the campaign as many of you have in the past. We’ve always said, we have the best fans in the world and you have continued to shine for us. For this project and others, we can’t thank you enough!!!!