by paperfilms | Dec 2, 2015 | News
World domination? Comic masterminds? Insanity ploy?
These are all thoughts that went through our heads when trying to come up with an inventive, unique opportunity to create something brand new for the release of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti’s new series SuperZero for Aftershock Comics. Not only is the story something unique but we have created a PaperFilms exclusive cover for the new series. What makes this new and unique and never been done before, this exclusive cover will have an empty word balloon in which you can have your custom text entered in the word balloon (up to 150 characters) –
Word Balloon version
Unsigned version
Signed version
That’s right, let us wish you well, make your friends jealous, mock your family, give a shout out to your monkey, whatever….you tell us, we write it! Do some checking folks, this is a first. We also are selling an unsigned version and a simple signed version of this variant cover as well.
No Diamond ordering for these options, just right from us. It is a risk but something we wanted to try. So you can head over to the website store ( and pick up these exclusive covers. Not only that, you’ll be able to read the great SuperZero story. Jimmy and Amanda have poured their hearts into this story and are extremely proud of this interesting and innovative tale. Below are some preview pages from issue #1.
Again, it is something different and we hope you not only appreciate the approach but also consider supporting not only the covers but the book itself. We love doing projects like this knowing that our wonderful fans continue to back the team!
Thanks again from the entire PaperFilms team!
by paperfilms | Nov 24, 2015 | News
Hey everyone,
We have some great news. Not only can we help you save a little bit of sanity by keeping you out of the insane Black Friday store madness, we’re also offering you the great opportunity to support the entire PaperFilms team this holiday season in a couple of different ways.
Harley Quinn #20 Retailer
Trancers #1 Retailer
PaperFilms Card set
First way: You can head over to our PaperFilms shop ( add any and all items to your shopping cart and use coupon code: HOLIDAY to your order. This will knock an amazing 25% off all of your order (excluding shipping) from now till 12/16/2015. That’s right, almost 3 weeks of savings for each and every one of our glorious backers and fans. While it might not be the $200 you might save on an unwanted 89″ plasma, ultra-deafening, 3D, inverted curved, diamond laced TV set, we’re sure that you’ll get a lot more enjoyment out of some of the great PaperFilms offerings. So go ahead, jump on over to the Store and snag some items. Remember, all of the sales goes directly to the PaperFilms team. We sign them, we box them up and we ship them to you ourselves. Our warehouse to your door.
Second way: As you know, we partnered with Threadless T-Shirts and designs to produce some great PaperFilms related gear. From T-shirts to wall art to phone cases, these items are a great way to show your love of all things PaperFilms. We truly get an endless joy when we see someone at a signing or a convention who walks up to the table wearing some of our gear. That tells us we have the best fans. The truly great thing is, from 11/27/2015 – 12/16/2015, Threadless will also be offering a 25% discount on our items. Simply go to our Artist page ( during that sales window and you’ll save 25% on all purchases.
And finally, we hope that you keep an eye on our website for some exciting news we have upcoming about some different projects and offerings on the website.
The entire PaperFilms team wishes each and every one of you lovely backers our fully appreciation and thanks! Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
by paperfilms | Oct 1, 2015 | News
Quick update fellow backers.
Fresh off the exciting Baltimore Comic Con, we have three cool products we’ve been able to get on the website for all of those great fans who were unable to make the convention. We have limited runs of:
- PaperFilms Trading Card set (20 cards, Amanda Conner artwork, a signed card from both Jimmy and Amanda
- Trancers #1 limited Retailer Variant cover, signed by Jimmy
- Harley Quinn #20 limited Retailer Variant cover, signed by both Amanda and Jimmy
PaperFilms Card set
PaperFilms Card set
Trancers #1 Retailer
Harley Quinn #20 Retailer
Remember, we only were able to acquire a handful of each item so we hope you understand, we’d like to share more but what we did get, we wanted to make it available to everyone of our website supporters on a first come, first serve basis.
So swing on by the store and snag any of the above and any other item on the website. It truly does support the entire team with your purchases!
And as always, we truly appreciate all of the support!
by paperfilms | Sep 29, 2015 | News
Whew…..we are exhausted folks. But that exhaustion is in a good way. We just wrapped up a wonderful Baltimore Comic Con where we saw a ton, ton of great PaperFilms fans. The lines were long (sorry, we tried to work through them as quick as possible), the fans were great, cosplay was wonderful and the panels were truly memorable. If anyone was there and has some pictures from the booth or the panels (specifically the Listen To Jimmy panel), we’d love for you to share them.
Now that we’re back for a short time while we get some work done, we’re also preparing for the massive New York City Comic Con ( The team has the following schedules:
Jimmy Palmiotti (table DD09):

Amanda Conner (table DD10):

Frank Tieri:

And if you haven’t heard the exciting news, at the end of the year, Jimmy and Amanda will be writing with Amanda on art for the Harley Quinn & Wonder Woman The Little Black Book to launch the new Harley Quinn team up series. This book is gonna be a ton of fun. Here is a look at the cover by Amanda for the series launch title.

And speaking of the Shop, we’ll be posting some great new items that we have a limited amount of on our website. We have a limited amount of great PaperFilms trading cards as well as some Retailer Exclusive copies of our new Trancers book for Action Labs. We have a limited amount but wanted to share with all our great fans! So keep an eye out for the upcoming additions.
Thanks again everyone for the wonderful support!!!
by paperfilms | Sep 21, 2015 | News
Hey everyone:
The convention season is still in full swing for the PaperFilms team. We just finished up the great DragonCon in Atlanta and are doing a quick regroup before heading up the East Coast for the wonderful Baltimore Comic Con followed shortly by the upcoming massive New York Comic Con.
For those in the Baltimore area, if you are going to be at the Baltimore Comic Con (more information at: ), you can find Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Frank Tieri interacting with the fans and guests all weekend. Head on over to the convention and say hello. Additionally, if you have a chance to attend one of the team’s panels, we highly recommend it. Inclusive of the always entertaining “Listen to Jimmy” panel. We can’t stress enough how hard you will laugh at this panel.
Batman Day: 2:45 – 3:45pm (Jimmy Palmiotti)
The Marvel Panel: 11:00 – 12:00 (Frank Tieri)
Listen to Jimmy: 4:00 – 5:00 (Jimmy Palmiotti; Frank Tieri)
The Weird West: 12:15 – 1:15pm (Jimmy Palmiotti)
Amanda will be selling all her prints and sketchbooks at the convention so be sure to come to the booth and snag your own items directly from Amanda! Jimmy/Amanda will also have a limited number of books for sale if you missed out on some of their other great past Kickstarters. Autographs for Jimmy and Amanda will be limited to 10 items. Those getting items signed for CGC grading purposes, they simply ask for a $5 fee. Baltimore will also have a limited edition of Harley Quinn #20 (you will need to get this directly from the convention) to snag and sign.

After the Baltimore Comic Con, two weeks later is the massive NYCC ( so keep an eye on the website for more updates as we get closer.
And finally, if you are unable to get to either convention, we recommend heading on over to the PaperFilms Store where you can snag many of the convention items we have, signed and delivered right to your doorstep. Again, this support goes directly to the creators themselves. It is a great way to get involved and support the entire PaperFilms team directly.
We hope to see you all at one of the upcoming conventions!
by paperfilms | Sep 6, 2015 | News
Great news folks, we’ve got a new round of Amanda Conner prints available on our website! These were previously only available if you hit up Amanda at a convention but we’ve made a number of them available on our website for those who couldn’t get to a convention. Like the other prints from Amanda, these are 11″ x 17″ prints on heavy stock signed by Amanda directly from her.
So head on over to the Store and check them out! We also have a restock of the Amanda Conner sketchbook as well (under the Books section). Remember, the purchase you make go directly to all of the PaperFilms team members themselves. Don’t overpay on eBay!
Amanda Conner prints
While the team finishes up the Dragon Con this weekend, we’re looking forward to getting back to the Baltimore Con coming on 9/25 – 9/27. Be sure to swing by the tables to visit Jimmy, Amanda and Frank!
Finally, we’re loving seeing all of the folks who have been so kind to purchase and share your support of the new Threadless shop. Remember, anyone who purchases things from the store and is able to see Jimmy or Amanda at a convention wearing those items, make sure to swing by their table or booth. You’ll be happy you did. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the products, head on over to the Threadless site and take a look!
PaperFilms Threadless store
Thanks again folks!