PaperFilms CAF Artwork Gallery

PaperFilms has partnered with Comic Art Fans website (CAF) for hosting additional artwork from the team.  This includes several older pieces, some duplicate items found here and several other items.  We value both the existing Paperfilms site and fans along with trying to share the artwork options with the CAF members as well.  Head on offer to the CAF website and the Paperfilms Gallery to see all the artwork we have loaded.  Anything from Amanda Conner Gargoyles, Xena, Barbie, Codename Knockout, Birds of Prey and more.  From Jimmy Palmiotti, we have Midnight Mass, Punisher, Fury, Reload, Catwoman, Sci-Spy and much more.  There is three (3) decades of work and more available to view!

Paperfilms CAF Gallery:

With the volume of work the team has had in the comic industry, you can well guess, there is a hefty load of artwork from the team.  With this option, we’re able to share the volume on both sites.  Feel free to check out all of the great options on both sites.

**Please Note:  The CAF website and the PaperFilms store are independent processes.  The CAF site you can simply contact us regarding any artwork and we can generate an invoice.  If you plan on purchasing anything on the Paperfilms website as well, we can work on combination shipping if possible to offer discounts.  We appreciate your patience in this matter.




PaperFilms has partnered with Comic Art Fans website (CAF) for hosting additional artwork from the team.  This includes several older pieces, some duplicate items found here and several other items.  We value both the existing Paperfilms site and fans along with trying to share the artwork options with the CAF members as well.  Head on offer to the CAF website and the Paperfilms Gallery to see all the artwork we have loaded.  Anything from Amanda Conner Gargoyles, Xena, Barbie, Codename Knockout, Birds of Prey and more.  From Jimmy Palmiotti, we have Midnight Mass, Punisher, Fury, Reload, Catwoman, Sci-Spy and much more.  There is three (3) decades of work and more available to view!

Paperfilms CAF Gallery:

With the volume of work the team has had in the comic industry, you can well guess, there is a hefty load of artwork from the team.  With this option, we’re able to share the volume on both sites.  Feel free to check out all of the great options on both sites.

**Please Note:  The CAF website and the PaperFilms store are independent processes.  The CAF site you can simply contact us regarding any artwork and we can generate an invoice.  If you plan on purchasing anything on the Paperfilms website as well, we can work on combination shipping if possible to offer discounts.  We appreciate your patience in this matter.


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